The Most Common Dog Grooming Services

Americans spend billions of dollars (approximately four billion, according to an American Pet Products Association survey) on pet grooming services and pet boarding each year. Of course, we want our canine friends to look their best. Plus, there’s just something special about a dog that has just returned from the groomer. They seem to hold…

Dog Boarding Stats and Trivia

More than 83 million Americans care for at least one pet dog, according to the Humane Society of the United States. That’s nearly half–47 percent–of all households. Half of those households own more than one pet. Clearly, having the loving, faithful companionship of a dog is important to us. However, there are times when we…

Ever Hear of Dog Park Etiquette?

With nearly half of all American households owning a dog, it’s no wonder that dog parks are springing up in metropolitan and suburban areas all around the country. In a perfect world, dog parks are a place where your furry companions can get a little exercise and enjoy the company of other dogs. After all,…

Why Consider Dog Day Care

Approximately one in five Americans works from home, according to a recent study by Telework Research Network, and that number is expected to increase by 60 percent over the next five years. If you’ve ever tried to get work done or meet a deadline with a bored dog at your feet, or worse a puppy,…