Positive Puppy Training Positively Works!

Bringing a new puppy into your home is an exciting– and sometimes exhausting– time. While the prospect of bonding with this new friend can be exhilarating, puppies require more supervision than adult dogs. Keeping your new friend out of trouble while he is learning requires time and energy. Done correctly, however, training can be a…

Is Your Dog Standing in the Employment Line?

You come home from work after a long day and your dog lovingly greets you at the door. You’re tired. So is he. While you were away, he’s been keeping himself busy by emptying the trash (all over the kitchen) or redecorating the living room (you didn’t really like those pillows anyway). Sound familiar? We’ve…

Dog Training – DIY or Go with a Pro?

If you Google “DIY”, you will find 361,000,000 references for people looking to “do-it-themselves”. 13,200,00 of these references are for “DIY dog training”. How do you know if you should go the DIY route or if you should leave the training to a professional? Like most things in life, you have to weigh the options…

The Most Common Dog Grooming Services

Americans spend billions of dollars (approximately four billion, according to an American Pet Products Association survey) on pet grooming services and pet boarding each year. Of course, we want our canine friends to look their best. Plus, there’s just something special about a dog that has just returned from the groomer. They seem to hold…

Dog Boarding Stats and Trivia

More than 83 million Americans care for at least one pet dog, according to the Humane Society of the United States. That’s nearly half–47 percent–of all households. Half of those households own more than one pet. Clearly, having the loving, faithful companionship of a dog is important to us. However, there are times when we…